The domain name was created in 2021. However, the project idea was conceived in 2020. The founder is an established digital news blog creator with nearly 20 years experience.
The brand name itself refers refers to the Cryptocurrency world. As we know, each token brand mints digital coins. And “Opps” refers to opportunity in shortened form.
In the initial phases, CCO will produce news on the orignal brands such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), up to the popular new brands such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE). And those coins in between that have importance or great technology, shall also be covered. Coins just developing will also be included at request, with enough provided information.
The CCO staff currently includes 4 writers.
Lead Writer – Giovane Fugazza
Writer #2 – Shana Warner
Writer #3 – Peyton Gray
Contributor – Rod Rainey
Only 3 of 4 from this group are dedicated to daily write ups and sourcing exclusive content. Our team will expand as we grow in traffic and support.
Our phase 2 for this project, will be a big step. Crypto Coin Opps name brand is much based off this phase. Our goal is to launch a page of exclusive news content covering cryptocurrency, web3, and meta-verse related job opportunities. This will be a challeng, but under great leadership and consistency, shall be achieved. And CCO’s founder hopes this will happen in 2023.
Expansion into social media platforms will also happen with time, but our first focus is publishing news consistently — daily and by the hour.