Cardano has always been a formidable rival to the Ethereum network. Naturally, this has resulted in a long-running competition between the two blockchain communities.
This time, however, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has joined in on the banter between the two groups, coming directly from the Ethereum community and the blockchain engineers.
Charles Hoskinson discussed Ethereum and its community in a Twitter discussion. He began by noting that they had refused to let go of his brief period working on the blockchain
Over ten years ago, Hokinson worked as an Ethereum developer. His position on the blockchain would only last six months.
This has always spilled over into the Ethereum camp’s criticism of the Cardano blockchain, which Hoskinson developed shortly after quitting the former.
He addressed the reality that the Ethereum community continues to neglect the Cardano network’s advancements over the years.
“I always wondered why the Ethereum crowd is so obsessed with my six months there in 2014 and then after the merge it all made sense. They just seem to really like technology and events from 2014.”- Said Hoskinson in a condescending manner, regarding his critic’s constant argument that the Cardano founder “stole” Ethereum’s idea after leaving the blockchain.
“I repeatedly pointed out that the core engineers of Ethereum completely ignored Ouroboros throughout the last five years,” Hoskinson continued. “It’s a crime on that side of the fence to even mention Cardano.”
Hoskinson went on to address the ‘cult’ connotations that are sometimes used to define the Cardano community.
The community’s close-knit character has always resulted in cult jokes all around.
However, Hoskinson believes that this will only harm the crypto community as a whole. He warned consumers to avoid falling victim to this tendency, stating that it “means that many users are being driven into design decisions that injure them rather than benefit them.” That’s probably human nature. But at the very least, we can choose not to yield to it.”
Cardano Has Been “Staking” Long Before Ethereum
Cardano has been adopting a “proof-of-stake” consensus mechanism since 2017.
Known as “Ouroboros”, the staking mechanism selects leaders who will monitor the blocks that join the chain at particular periods.
The architecture guarantees that the correct personnel is in charge of authenticating transactions while also reducing energy use.
Cardano also takes a scientific approach to how its blockchain might improve and grow. The academic strategy comprises reviewing research data and peer-reviewed literature related to blockchain technology.
The process includes updating the chain as needed based on market conditions and how effectively the currency can evolve.